Werewolf Wednesdays Throughout October 2012

Werewolf Wednesdays Throughout October

For the month of October, in celebration of the upcoming Halloween celebrations, I thought I would create an appropriate theme: Werewolf Wednesdays. For those of you who know me well, you will have heard (probably frequently) about my love of the werewolf. For a few years, my love of lycanthropy (werewolfism) even led me to teach a course at Trent University – Werewolves As Symbols of the Human Experience. The class was an incredible opportunity to work with some really interesting and unique students and it increased my love of the werewolf subject. I was even able to work some Canadian content into the course – the Canadian movie Ginger Snaps and a novel by Canadian author Kelley Armstrong, Bitten.

This month of Werewolf Wednesdays, look forward to discourses on the werewolf in Canada, and reviews of several werewolf stories. Enjoy this month of Lycanthropic Love.

Derek Newman-Stille

3 Responses

      • Cool. I’ve snagged your logo and added it to my main page, linking to you here. Have mentioned this to a few others on Twitter and I think more than a few bloggers would be interested in linking/posting on werewolf stuff every week. There is also the first-ever Howl Con in Portland in October.

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