Review Requests
For the most part, the books reviewed on this site are done primarily out of personal interest or research interest, however Speculating Canada has been receiving a growing number of author requests for novel, novelette, and short story reviews. It is exciting to see such a huge interest in this site and it is therefore now possible to send in a request for a review of an author’s work. Please find the parameters for review below:
Please contact Derek Newman-Stille first by email to inquire about a book review. Derek can be reached at dereknewmanstille (at) gmail (dot) com .
Book reviews are dependent on reviewer availability, so please make email contact before sending a copy of your novel, novelette, or short story.
Review requests can be sent in advance of the publication of a book.
All books for review are required to be sent in paper copy by mail to the address below.
As a reviewer of Canadian Speculative Fiction, I ask that the author be either a Canadian citizen, a Canadian ex-pat, or a landed immigrant living in Canada.
Most reviews will be done by Derek Newman-Stille, PhD student for the Frost Centre for Canadian Studies, Trent University, however, if there is a particular genre or story type that is more suited to one of our other reviewers, you will be contacted to ask permission for that person to review your book instead.
Contact information for Book Reviews:
dereknewmanstille (at) gmail (dot) com
Derek Newman-Stille
c/o The Frost Centre for Canadian Studies and Indigenous Studies
Kerr House, Traill College
Trent University
1600 West Bank Drive
Peterborough ON K9J 7B8
Thank you for your interest in Speculating Canada. I am excited to see your work.