Tag: Lovecraft

Cosmic Horror and Challenging Ableisms

Cosmic Horror and Challenging Ableisms  A review of Ada Hoffmann’s The Outside (Angry Robot, 2019). By Derek Newman-Stille   There aren’t enough narratives about autism by autistic people. This, and their powerful style of writing and brilliant science fiction, is why I keep coming back to the works of Ada Hoffmann with adoration. Hoffmann’sThe Outside, with its autistic, queer narrator, is...

Into the Darkness of Exploitation

Into the Darkness of Exploitation A review of Premee Mohamed’s “The Adventurer’s Wife” in She Walks in Shadows (ed. Silvia Moreno-Garcia and Paula R. Stiles, Innsmouth Free Press, 2015) By Derek Newman-Stille    Premee Mohamed’s “The Adventurer’s Wife” plays with the traditional images of the adventurer in a strange land. Mohamed plays with the problematic trope of the western adventurer...