Interview with Cait Gordon on Disability in Science fiction, Humour, and Space Opera
In this episode of Speculating Canada, I interview Cait Gordon, editor of Nothing Without Us and Nothing Without Us Too and author of Iris and The Crew Tear Through Space, Life In the ‘Cosm, and The Stealth Lovers. We explore disability in science fiction, the need for disabled stories, space opera, and humour fiction.
Cait wants to remind the audience that we accidentally used the wrong pronouns for her character, Clarence, whose pronouns should be Xey/Xem.

Cait Gordon is an autistic, disabled, and queer Canadian writer of speculative fiction that celebrates diversity. She is the author of Life in the ’Cosm, The Stealth Lovers, and Season One: Iris and the Crew Tear Through Space! Her short stories appear in Alice Unbound: Beyond Wonderland, We Shall Be Monsters, Mighty: An Anthology of Disabled Superheroes, and There’s No Place. She has had poems published in Polar Borealis and Mollyhouse. Cait also founded The Spoonie Authors Network and twice joined Talia C. Johnson to co-edit the (award-nominated) Nothing Without Us and (award-winning) Nothing Without Us Too disability fiction anthologies.
Interviewed By Derek Newman-Stille MA, PhD (ABD) (they/them)