An Interview with Eric Desmarais
You may recall my recent interview of Jen Desmarais, who talked about collaborations with her partner, Eric. Now I’ve had the opportunity to talk to both of them. Eric and I talk about collaborative writing, uses of romance in speculative fiction, and the use of role-playing games as story generators.

Éric Desmarais has had an eclectic career which ranges from casino dealer to canal boat captain to radio station DJ. Since 2009, he’s worked as a desktop publisher for the federal government. During his off time, he works as a freelance typesetter for various Canadian-based authors and publishers, roasts gourmet flavoured coffee, runs several pen-and-paper role-playing games, writes, and helps run (Home of the
Interviewed by Derek Newman-Stille (they/them), PhD (ABD)

This was fun to listen to! I kept trying to add to the conversation because I kept forgetting that it was recorded.
Tiny correction to Éric’s timelines: we wrote Assassins in 2 months and 2 weeks, and Monsters in 2 months and 1 week.