Speculative SEXtember: September 2014

This September, Speculating Canada will be a Speculative SEXtember, focused on the theme of the exploration of sexualities in Canadian speculative fiction with a particular interest in representation of LGBTQ2, Queer, or QUILTBAG people.

There will still reviews of books that do not highlight sexuality and sexual identities during the month, but a higher than average representation of sexual diversity.

Gay Pride is happening in Peterborough this month, the city where I live, and I thought this would be a nice time to explore some fantastic queer fiction, particularly since I have planned an LGBTQ2 author reading for September 18th as part of ChiSeries Peterborough titled “Speculating the Queer: an LGBTQ2 Canadian Speculative Fiction Reading” (http://speculatingcanada.wordpress.com/2014/08/13/speculating-the-queer-an-lgbtq2-canadian-speculative-fiction-reading-with-chiseries-peterborough-featuring-tanya-huff-michael-rowe-don-bassingthwaite-and-derek-newman-stille/ )

So get ready this month to hear about queer fears, LGBTQ futures, and QUILTBAG other worlds. As people who have been treated as monsters, aliens in our own worlds, and otherworldly fairies, speculative fiction gives us a fascinating place to ponder about other options, other ways of viewing the world, and to assert our presence in the cultural imagination.Speculative SEXtember

Derek Newman-Stille

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